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Maciej Woltman

Painting and Graphics

Pre-Christmas meeting with art at Business Club Szczecin

The upcoming holiday season is a perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in the unique world of art. It's another year, at the invitation of the Business Club Szczecin, Maciej Woltman showed his art.

At the opening you could see, among others, part of the "Contour Drawings" collection, which was created last year and exhibited in the "ZAMEK" gallery in Szczecinek, as well as an announcement of the newly created collection of canvases "Figurative Expression", which the artist talked about.


More photos from the event can be found here:

Business Club Szczecin



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Symbioza figuratywna - wystawa malarstwa Kunsthalle Oktogon, Hitzacker, Niemcy.

Wystawa "Figuratywna Symbioza" jest fascynujÄ…cym poÅ‚Ä…czeniem sztuki, które prezentuje malarstwo Macieja Woltmana oraz rzeźby autorstwa Doris Gessner i Waltera Knolle. Każdy z artystów przynosi swoje unikalne spojrzenie na figuratywne wyrazy sztuki, tworzÄ…c razem niepowtarzalnÄ… atmosferÄ™ wspóÅ‚dziaÅ‚ania i synergii.


Malarstwo, rzeźba i przestrzeÅ„ Å‚Ä…czÄ… siÄ™ w harmonijnÄ… symbiozÄ™, tworzÄ…c kompleksowÄ… narracjÄ™ o ludzkiej egzystencji, emocjach i relacjach, zapraszajÄ…c widzów do odkrywania gÅ‚Ä™bszych znaczeÅ„ i doÅ›wiadczeÅ„ poprzez sztukÄ™.



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Pre-Christmas meeting with art at Business Club Szczecin

The upcoming holiday season is a perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in the unique world of art. It's another year, at the invitation of the Business Club Szczecin, Maciej Woltman showed his art.

At the opening you could see, among others, part of the "Contour Drawings" collection, which was created last year and exhibited in the "ZAMEK" gallery in Szczecinek, as well as an announcement of the newly created collection of canvases "Figurative Expression", which the artist talked about.


More photos from the event can be found here:

Business Club Szczecin



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Photo report from the PAINTING exhibition at the Maritime Science Center in Szczecin.

A fantastic vernissage, an inspiring project. The exhibition can be viewed until the end of August 2023.

More photos from the event can be found here:

Marine Science Centre


June 11th, 2023


New Canvases - Painting Exhibition at the Maritime Science Center in Szczecin.

Starting from May 27th, at the Maritime Science Center in Szczecin, you will be able to admire the latest painting exhibition titled "Works on Maps." It will be a thematic exhibition showcasing eighteen artworks created using the acrylic collage technique on canvas with maps. The majority of the canvases will be shown for the first time.

More details coming soon.



11th May 2023.


Maciej Woltman, "der Ort" Gallery, Berlin 2010

Maciej Woltman talks about his art, inspirations and his beginnings as an artist-painter, graphic designer and a poster artist. He talks about the graphic design of the 80s in Poland, when  posters, book illustration etc. were hand-made and censored. He explains how he continuously tries to escape from routine in hirs art. The conversation was recorded on the occasion of the exhibition "Circum Hominem - Rund um den Menschen", presented at the gallery "der Ort" in Berlin.

Maciej Woltman, Goerz Gallery of Fine Art, Luxembourg.

Maciej Woltman presented his paintings for the first time in Luxembourg in 2002 at the invitation of the "Goerz Gallery of Fine Arts", run by Rita Goerz and Werner Schmitz.The artist showed in Luxembourg his great versatility, proving that he cannot be classified in only one category. He presented a variety of styles, techniques and forms, including abstract compositions in strong colors and a serie of large format paintings 210x145 "Man in the universe".As he says himself, the search for forms undelies his paintings and a man is always the spiritual center of his art.The artist returned to Luxembourg with a second exhibition the following year.Below is a catalog summarizing both exhibitions prepared and edited by Rita Goerz. Click the arrows <> to browse the catalog.

Maciej Woltman Goerz Gallery of Fine Art in Luxembourg

Painting and Drawing at Business Club Szczecin

Pre-Christmas exhibition of Painting and Drawing in Business Club Szczecin. Maciej Woltman's works could be seen again stationary in Szczecin.







"Rysunki Konturowe"

On November 18 at 6 pm in the ZAMEK Gallery in Szczecinek, the opening of Maciej Woltman's individual exhibition entitled "Contour Drawings" will begin.

You will see a collection of drawings made in the pastel plus acrylic technique on cardboard, most of them created in 2022. As the author himself explains the title of the exhibition, drawing as a form of an artistic expression is the first record of a thought, it is only a sketch or maybe an autonomous finished work . The contour drawing suggests the closure of a certain arbitrary form, giving it shape, placing it in space and giving it emotions. "Contour drawings" are a record of thoughts, observations and emotions. They are a variation on the theme of the body, time and space.

Wystawa potrwa do 31 Grudnia 2022 a prace z wystawy jjuż w zakładce Aktualnie dostepne

Conversation about art at Galeria Mo.

A conversation about art and more, recorded on the day of the opening of &quot;Spojrzenia i Akty Selected&quot; by the cameras of the Mo Studio.

The artist explains the motive and inspirations that made up the exhibition, but also talks about his work as a poster artist in the 1980s of the last century, reveals the spherical formation of his works, shares memories and thoughts on art and more ...

The video report

from the opening of the individual exhibition "The Views and the Nudes"  at Mo Galeria,PoznaÅ„ , Poland.

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Painting and Drawing Exhibition " The Glances and the Nudes"  

"glances”is a series of drawings depicting imaginary faces with a characteristic eye that draws the viewer's attention. Where they came from and what they are inspired by, the artist does not reveal. As he says himself, they arise from chaos. Intense or ascetic in color they hide and evoke various emotions. "Faces", combining the painterly freedom and imagination of the artist with the syntheticity of the graphic line, equates the form of a poster with the form of a picture.


Acts - over the years, they have become, in a way, an informal "business card" of Maciej Woltman's art. The human figure, usually a woman, constituting the center of the painting, has always accompanied the artist's work ..

Pekao Szczecin Open 2022

Painting and Drawing Exhibition, accompanying ATP Pekao Szczecin Open 2022. 


"The leading theme for me is the human figure, especially a woman - beauty in the form of a woman body... I like the form of a female figure ...
inspires to draw. The line is twisted, free ...
I always try to find in this woman, in this figure, in this act, a certain phenomenal character ...

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 55 x 65 cm, acrylic on cardboard, 2022



"In reference to the Classics"


100 x 120 cm, acrylic on canvas, sold

T-shirts designed and hand painted by Maciej Woltman.

They were made for a special occasion, each one unique and unrepeatable. T-shirts were designed and hand-painted by Maciej Woltman.


We donate the t-shirts to the "Art Auctions for Ukraine"

Links to the auctions below:





More on


In this sad times we must  NOT forget about art and other people.





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Drawings AKTY 2022 collection - now available in the Gallery of Katarzyna Napiórkowska.


We are pleased to announce that the part of the "Nudes 2022" collection is now available in the Gallery Katarzyna Napiórkowska (


Please check the tab  Currently available works for more available works.  


Maciej Woltman akt 2022

New - Old, a series of the as yet unpublished drawings "2016 Collection"

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The collection of the so far unpublished drawings from 2016 is an opportunity to draw back a few years and observe how the technique, line and subject matter of Maciej Woltman's works have been evolving through years. What inspired the artist back then and what inspires him now? Works made in the technique of acrylic + pastel on cardboard.

More in the tab Currently available works.


A few shots from the interior.
More photos in the Portfolio tab.


maciej woltman malarstwo

Maciej Woltman takes part in Weekend of Open Art Szczecin September 18th, 2021.

Maciej Woltman's atelier opened to visitors as part of the initiative The Weekend of Open Art, Szczecin 2021. It was an opportunity to visit the artist's workplace, see his latest works and talk about an art and more. It was a pleasure to host all the visitors.Thank you for being an art enthusiast.


Maciej Woltman, obraz, sztuka, grafika, art, polish art, drawing, painting,, artysta szczecinski, malarstwo, weekend otwartej sztuki szczecin

A new series of drawings "Faces in a pandemic"​

Difficult times we are living now, when we do not recognize the faces of the people we pass. We only see their eyes, that reflect their feelings and emotions. The new series of drawings "Faces in a pandemic" to see in the tab Currently available works.

June 9, 2021


Pre-Christmas vernissage of an exhibition at the Business Club Szczecin 2020.​

Invitation to the pre-holiday vernissage of an exhibition  at the Business Club Szczecin. This time, the invitation as well as the presentation of the works in a different form due to the special circumstances of the pandemic. Details available on the website of the  BUSINESS CLUB SZCZECIN


Maciej Woltman Painting and Drawing, Stara Rzeźnia Szczecin 2019

Maciej Woltman presented his latest and elder works at the "Cultural Center of the Euroregion Stara Rzeźnia". Pictures, drawings, graphics. Photo report to find HERE.

sztuka|obraz|malarstwo|maciej woltman malarstwo i rysunek| obraz grafika sztuka |CKE Stara Rzeźnia|

June 30, 2019

Maciej Woltman Painting and Drawing, Business Club Szczecin 2018

sztuka|obraz|malarstwo|maciej woltman malarstwo i rysunek| obraz grafika sztuka |Business Club Szczecin|

Paintings and drawings, the newest and the older ones, presented at Business Club Szczecin. 


Maciej Woltman honoured with the Szczecin City Artistic Award 2007.

Maciej Woltman and the writer and literary scholar Inga Iwasiów became the laureates of the Artistic Award of the City of Szczecin in 2007 - a distinction given to Szczecin artists and animators of culture since 1991. 

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